Andragogist and psychotherapist
+421 905 263 765,
She graduated in andragogy at the Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava in 1992.
She worked with mentally handicapped youth and adults at the House of Social Services for Children and Adults at Javorinská Street in Bratislava.
She founded and managed a clothing design company in Žilina, focusing on individual consulting in clothing and building a personal style. She has implemented programes to improve conduct, knowledge of and adherence to work and social etiquette. She has led training courses focused on the development of communication and presentation skills and the resolution of conflict situations.
She is intensely interested in the study of the human psyche, the effects on its structure and stability. She completed her education with a specialization in intensive psychotherapeutic training (eight-year training course in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy led by SIPP in Bratislava, three-year EMDR training in Trenčín – focused on the treatment of psychotraumatic disorders and consequences, EMDR for Children and Adolescents, EMDR and Family Therapy). Inter alia, she received short-term training courses at the Slovak Institute for Psychotraumatology – working with traumatized and dissociative clients using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and KIP (Guided Affective Imagery).
She graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) at the NLP International Center in Prague (Certificate P31-Ba-03).
Since 2016, she has been participating in supervision and education in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy under the guidance of PhDr. Ľudovít Juráš, CSc.
She has had a private counseling and therapeutic practice in Bratislava since 2009. She also works as a psychotherapist in the private psychiatric day care center Spirare Bratislava under the guidance of MUDr. Jana Vránová.
She is a member of SIPE (Slovak Institute for Psychotraumatology). She is registered in the List of EMDR Psychotherapists of the Slovak Republic.
„… a human being cannot live an isolated life in health. Regardless of our will, we are influenced by others and we also influence them. Both in private and at work. Accordingly, we can be happy and successful when we engage our will and learn to understand the other person and be understandable… Whether or not this is happening, we learn from the other party’s feedback. Let us listen…“
Ako zvládnuť pubertiaka. 9.4.2015 od 39:40
Čo robiť, ak dieťa odmieta krúžky. 13.3.2014 od 52:20
Aké sú signály, či vzťah má alebo nemá šancu. 29.5.2013 od 53:10
V hlave mám stále bývalého partnera. 17.4.2013 od 34:10